Voluntary legal advice for people in custody pending deportation

Who we are:

We are students who volunteer to support people in detention pending deportation.
We offer legal advice to you and your relatives. We are well trained in Deportation Detention Law.
However, we are not lawyers.

What we can help you with:

  • We review your documents to find out whether it is lawful that you have been detained. We explain your legal situation to you and discuss with you the chances to defend you against detention.

  • You can appoint us as a trusted person, and then we can write petitions to the court on your behalf.

  • If you are already represented by a lawyer, we will assist your lawyer and explain to you what the lawyer is doing.

  • At your request, we will also work together with your relatives and other agencies / professionals (e.g., your doctor or counselors at a migration counseling center). We will then try to support you as best as we can all together.

  • If our motions in court are successful, no detention costs will be imposed on you. This way, you will not have any additional re-entry hardships or debts after you are released or deported.

  • In some cases, we manage to get unlawfully detained people released from detention.

  • If you do get deported from detention, we will continue to keep in touch with you. If your detention turns out to be unlawful, we will try to get detention compensation for you.

What we cannot help you with:

  • We cannot make sure you get a residence permit and are safe from deportation. We can only take care of your detention proceedings. For questions concerning the right of residence we can refer you to other counseling centers or lawyers.

  • Sometimes we can get people released from detention, but often the court decides after the person has already been deported. Thus, we cannot guarantee that you will be released before deportation, even if the detention later turns out to be unlawful.

  • We work on a voluntary basis besides our studies. If we receive many requests at the same time, we may not have enough capacity to help all the people seeking advice. We will then try to find another consultation for you, but we cannot guarantee anything in this regard.

We are happy if you want to support our work financially

Freundeskreis der Law Clinic an der Bucerius Law School e.V.
DE38 5003 1000 1055 4760 00
Purpose: Abschiebehaftberatung

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